United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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HUMAN TRAFFICKING, HUMAN RIGHTS AND MIGRATION NHRC/ONRT and OHCHR Training in Dhulikel , Nepal December 20-­23, 2006 Presentation by Lena Sundh The crime of human trafficking is a serious global challenge facing human rights today.Trafficking represents the denial of all those human rights which make for a life of dignity, including the right to mobility, freedom from violence and abuse, se...
UNOHCHR, (2006)
OHCHR­-Nepal Lena Sundh Representative of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal Speech at the First National Gathering of Trafficking Survivors, Organised by Shakti Samuha Kathmandu, Nepal 7 March 2007 I am delighted to say a few words at the First National Gathering of Trafficking Survivors organized by Shakti Samuha. I am aware that you have all been working hard during the last three days of closed consultations and am grateful for...
UNOHCHR, (2007)
Voices Against Violence: a Non-Formal Education Programme for Children and Youth to Help Stop Violence Against Girls and Young Women This curriculum was developed by the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) and UN Women, with input from 20 pilot Member Organizations and two WAGGGS World Centers. It has been developed for worldwide use and can be delivered to g...